No, membership is open to all. At present, more than twenty countries are represented in the Club’s membership, which is divided approximately as follows: 40% American, 40% Spanish, 10% dual citizens, and 10% other nationalities. Typically, the profiles of our non-American members include: people who work for American companies or those that have operations in the U.S., individuals who have studied abroad, those who have lived in the U.S. at some point, people who have an interest in U.S. politics, culture, and traditions, or simply those who want to network in an international environment with American ideals.
To become a member you will need to submit a written application form and payment, either online or in-person at one of our events, and be approved by the Board of Directors. Before you can submit an application, you will need to find a member to sponsor you.
We no longer require sponsorship from prospective members. Just let us know a bit about yourself on your application form and you will be approved pending payment and review from the Membership Chair.
Pending applications are reviewed by the Membership Chair. We attempt to process all membership applications within 48hrs of completed payment and application form. Your membership will be activated upon approval from Membership Chair and you will be notified by email. Please note that payment must be received in order for an application to be reviewed. Applications pending payment for more than one month will be canceled.
Some. You will be eligible for the member pricing for events and to participate in the member raffles at these events.
You will not be able to vote in a General Assembly nor will you have access to member-only content until your application has been approved by the Board of Directors.
Your membership renewal date will be set to one year from the date of acceptance.
We will fully refund your payment.